San Mateo & San Carlos

Baby Swim Lessons & Classes

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2 Months to 3 years of age

 If there is one thing we could recommend to early parents, its grab a spot in one of our baby swim classes and get your child in the water. The earlier kids learn to swim, the more comfortable and safe they’ll be in the water… and the less worried you’ll be about their safety when you can’t be with them. Long story short…

Sign Up for Baby Swim Lessons

At King’s Swim Academy, water safety is our top priority. According to NCBI, swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% in kids ages 1-4 – so the earlier you can start, the better!

Our life saving baby swim lessons are designed and proven to help you guide your baby through the foundational swimming and water safety skills they’ll need to thrive.

In these group lessons, we’ll show you how to gently work with your baby to build muscle memory for proper swimming techniques. Baby swim lessons are also a great opportunity to bond with your child in the water while socializing with both other babies and parents. Set your child’s foundation for a lifetime of swimming fun! Baby swimming instruction available at both San Mateo and San Carlos swimming pools.

Not Looking for Baby Swim Classes?

Ages: 2 - 6 months

Bathtime Babies

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age icon Free

duration icon 30 Mins

Overview: Bond with your baby as you enjoy one-on-one pool time while you both learn water safety skills to make bathtime feel more like playtime! Your baby will learn how to pick their head up if they end up face down in the bath and you’ll learn how to use bathtime at home to make your baby feel more comfortable around water all while having fun.

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Ages: 6 - 18 Months

Littles 1 (6 months to 36 months)

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age icon M-F $40 Per Class | Weekends $45 Per Class

duration icon 30 Mins

Overview: Babies and toddlers who are 6 months+ progress into Littles 1, where they will begin to learn our unique “Jump, Turn, Swim” methodology which teaches children to turn around in the water and swim back to the edge to safety. Level 1 swimmers also learn how to go underwater for a full 10 seconds, which is the beginning of water safety and swimming.

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First time participating in Parent & Me Classes?

Helpful tips for your baby’s first swim lesson

When in the water—RELAX! Your child can sense when you’re feeling tense. It is important to encourage smiles, laughs and maintain a positive tone with your voice so that you are projecting positive…

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Crying is Normal – We’re Here to Help!

We’ve seen it all – a child is ready to get into the pool and BAM – the crying begins. They realize that this new experience is filled with unfamiliar sensations, sounds, and people, all without mom!?

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